As Time Goes On Music Video Clip - Production Stills
Here are the production stills of the day. The shot was only 1 day long and ironically it just so happen to coincide with the Spielberg shoot "The Pacific" which just so happened to be shooting outside the building of our green screen studio. So after a lot of phone calls we got an ok to get our boat of ice in as quickly as possible to shoot. As it turned out the bloody thing took all day to melt. The whole shoot was in front of a green screen, with actors and ice boat shot over a very long 12 hour day shoot. Should look fantastic.
This blog is about my film projects that I am working on. My background is graphic design but I went to study film at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) in 2004/05 doing a post grad and masters. I am currently doing a Masters by Research in Screen Writing, also at VCA, finishing off a Science Fiction feature film
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